List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 7816 June 23

I need occupancy permit as adhc of 8100 garden grove blvd.
Officer signed and issued 6/21/2022

Closed 7815 June 23

I would like to request all data from any traffic and/or speed surveys that have been conducted in the West Garden Grove neighborhood generally defined by the streets of Lampson to the North, Valley View to the East, the Seal Beach/Garden Grove border to the West, and the 405/22 Freeways to the S...

Closed 7814 June 23

Can I get a list of all stop sign traffic tickets (time and date) given out by the GGPD for the stop signs at Tunstall St. and Cerulean Ave. in West Garden Grove (92845)? I am requesting this information for 2020, 2021 and so far for 2022.

Closed 7813 June 22

Hi I. need follow up the apply permit for renovation my home
address 11672 Barclay DR. Garden Grove. CA. 92841

Closed 7812 June 22

June 21, 2022
Via Email and U.S. Mail
City of Garden Grove
Attn: Maria Parra
11222 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, California 92840

RE: Public Records Act Request and Request for Mailed Notice of Public Hearings and Actions – B2 Hotel, Harbor Blvd and Twintree Ave Garden ...

Closed 7811 June 21

How can I get permit records for this property on 9562 Arlene Ave, Garden Grove 92841?

Closed 7810 June 20


We are requesting public records pertaining to building permits, building violations, and zoning violations for the property located at 12200 Valley View Street, Garden Grove, California 92845. We appreciate the help. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you

Closed 7809 June 20

I am getting my house up to code. I need to pull all permits. I also need to renew expired permit #85824.

Address: 12587 Morgan Lane, Garden Grove, Ca, 92840.

Closed 7808 June 20

There is always a firework noise at around 9pm to 10pm at trask and roxey. Could not pin point of where exactly it is coming from but the noise is too much, every night. Need to be look at

Closed 7807 June 20

Please provide sewer plans for Westminster Avenue near Fairview Street as referenced on the attached City of Santa Ana street plan.


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
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