List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 7941 August 08

City claims a search was conducted but no records found. This is impossible, unless no ADUs were approved by the City. Here is the request again:

Request a listing of Architectural and/or Design Engineers associated with city-approved ADU properties in 2021 and 2022.

Closed 7940 August 08

Hi Guys. Requesting a list of red-tagged and yellow tagged residential properties (with code violations/ deemed substandard or uninhabitable) in your city. Period of time covered is the last three years.

(Part of an affordable housing initiative)

Also left Voicemail.

Thank you!


Closed 7939 August 08

Requesting historical building permit records for 7100 Honold Circle

Closed 7936 August 05

Aug 4, 2022

Subject Property: 9635 Chapman Ave
Garden Grove CA
Parcel # 132-402-37,132-402-38

Dear Municipality Official,

At our client’s request, we are seeking the following information:

1. Any Variances, Special Permits, Conditions, e...

Closed 7935 August 05

I am conducting an environmental site assessment on the following property:

13252, 13292 Brookhurst Street
10052 Central Avenue
10041 Imperial Avenue

As part of the investigation, I would like to review any Building Permit Records you have for the above-referenced property pertaining to t...

Closed 7934 August 05

I am conducting an environmental site assessment on the following property:

13252, 13292 Brookhurst Street
10052 Central Avenue
10041 Imperial Avenue

As part of the investigation, I would like to review any and all records you have for the above-referenced property pertaining to the follo...

Closed 7933 August 04

can i get the list for new businesses for the previous month of July, thank you.

Closed 7932 August 04

Good day!

I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to request a copy of the bid tabulation for the Construction of Lampson Avenue / Springdale Street Sewer Improvements , and if available, the awarded contractor. I would also like to know the anticipated start dates, if determined.

If y...

Closed 7931 August 03

As built drawings of residential property. Structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing.

Closed 7930 August 02

I would like to request a copy of your contracted 9-1-1 ambulance company's (Care Ambulance, also known as Falck Mobile Healthcare) Quarterly Ambulance Response Time reports from the 4 Quarters of 2021 and the first two Quarters of 2022? I believe the quarterly reports are provided to GG City E...


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray