List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8230 January 03

In accordance with the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), I would like to request copies of documentation pertaining to Mayor Steve Jones’s correspondence, documents, and reports, including but not limited to agreements, emails, faxes, letters, notes, voicemails...

Closed 8229 January 03

I would like to request a list of all fire property damaged homes within the last year December 2021 -December 2022 I know that personal information will not be provided. Please email information to: Thank you.

Closed 8228 January 03

I am requesting records for an existing residence.
12462 W. STREET GARDENA CA 92840

Closed 8227 January 03

S-1305 - Painting of the Purcell Building - May I get the as-read tabulation and/or name of the awarded and award amount for the above-mentioned solicitation? If this information is not available yet, do you have an anticipated date that this information may become available? Also is there an an...

Closed 8226 January 03

Prepare for plan submittal for 12652 Edieth Drive

Closed 8225 January 03

I am requesting a public record for case #22067968. I received partial record and now requesting "Death Certificate From for the dog Lux".

I appreciate your help in obtaining the death certificate.

Tina Votaw
13174 Ferndale Dr
Garden Grove, CA 92844

Closed 8224 January 03

please email as PDF (not Excel); New Business License Listings December 2022
12/1 - 12/31

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & home base...

Closed 8223 December 22

plat map for 11441 Geraldine Circle

Closed 8222 December 22

Certificate of occupancy for 11152 Paloma Ave, GG 92843

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses

Closed 8221 December 22

Would like to request building records, blue prints and permits if any on my residence, Thank you!


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray