List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8249 | January 05 | Copy of Resolution #8726-06 Thank you.
Closed | 8248 | January 05 | This is a followup to my previous request for the User Fees Guide. Can you please send me the resolution establishing the document, Resolution # 8726-06. Thank you so much. Shelly Appleby
Closed | 8245 | January 04 | Our office would like to request the business information or any license details on the following Smoke Shop. Please see below the Store that we would need to get the information from. 1. Da Spot
Closed | 8244 | January 04 | I would like to request digital copies of the following documents: - Employment agreements/contracts & any updates/amendments For the following positions: - Current city manager (or most recent city manager if currently filled by an interim)
Closed | 8243 | January 04 | Please provide me with a copy of the procurement/bidding policy for public works construction project awards. |
Closed | 8241 | January 04 | Thank you for the user fees publication. I was also hoping you could send me the resolution establishing the document, Resolution # 8726-06. Thank you so much. Shelly Appleby
Closed | 8239 | January 03 | We need our marriage license from 3-24-73, married in Garden Grove. Bielec/Nute
Closed | 8237 | January 03 | can i get the listing of new businesses for the previous month of December 2022 on excel |
Closed | 8236 | January 03 | No CofO was listed when I did an online search of permit records for
Thank you |
Closed | 8235 | January 03 | How do I get a certificate of occupancy for 11152 Paloma Ave. 92843 Permit # 98247 dated June 5, 2009
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due