List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8540 | May 22 | Any available floor plans, architectural/structural drawings, or architectural permit submittals for the residential SFD address 12312 Zeta St, Garden Grove, CA 92840. |
Closed | 8539 | May 22 | We are doing an environmental site assessment on the property and would like to know if there are any records in regards to underground/aboveground storage tanks, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, septic tanks, and/or any clarifiers on the property located at: 14272 COMMERCE DR GARDEN G... |
Closed | 8538 | May 22 | 05-18-2023
Closed | 8537 | May 18 | Hello, I would like to request all code enforcement notes, reports, violations, citations, administrative actions and communications from code enforcement department and their representatives with regards to the property of 12422 WALNUT AVE. Thank you |
Closed | 8536 | May 17 | Bid results for Woodbury Ave & Anabel Ave Water Improvement |
Closed | 8535 | May 17 | Electronic Copy of RJ Noble Bid Proposal for the Residential Street Rehab (1362023) the bid opened at 11am on 5-17-23 |
Closed | 8534 | May 17 | Hello, Could you please provide a permit history for APN # 097-023-23
Closed | 8533 | May 16 | Dear City Clerk Office, I am with the City of La Palma and we are submitting a request for any plans/information regarding the GGPD Records Division Remodel (Listed on 2016-2017 Performance Report). We are interested in any information you may have in archive - contractors, plan details, etc. ... |
Closed | 8532 | May 16 | �Arterial Streets Slurry Seal 2023 � 05/10/2023� Do you have a bid tabulation available? If not, do you have the low bidders or apparent low bidder information ready to be released? You can send that via email, or fax to 800-768-5594. If no low bid information is available at all, when should... |
Closed | 8531 | May 16 | Good day!
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due