Request #2929


Information on any current open zoning, building, or fire code violations, copies of any variances or special/conditional use permits, certificates of occupancy, or approved site plan for the properties located at 300 Plaza Alicante, 11891 Harbor Blvd, & 11999 Harbor Blvd


Request has been satisfied.
August 17, 2017
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Carter,

Please click on the link below to access the information responsive to your request regarding the properties located at 11891 Harbor Blvd. and 11999 Harbor Blvd.

No current building or zoning code violations were identified for these properties. this information is only relevant to the file information available and is not an indication of the current condition of the property or if any preexisting code violations existed.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove

August 17, 2017
Due date extended by

The due date of August 14 is incorrect. The due date to respond to this request should be August 21st.
Due date extended to: Monday, August 21, 2017

August 08, 2017
Assigned to Michael G Austin, Amanda M Pollock, David A Dent, Allison D Wilson, Lisa S Guardi, Morris B Spell, Lee W Marino
August 08, 2017
Request received
August 08, 2017


Closed on Aug 17