December 19, 2017

Q: What is our vision?

A: People live in Garden Grove because we offer excellent quality of life. A 2017 survey showed that over 2/3rds of residents believe that Garden Grove provides a higher quality of life and better services than neighboring cities. Our priority is to continue to make our city a desirable place to live, visit, and do business, no matter what happens with the state or federal governments.

Q: What service priorities have Garden Grove residents identified?

A: Some of the many quality of life priorities identified by residents include:

  • Maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times

  • Protect local drinking water supplies

  • Fight gangs and drugs

  • Prevent cuts to the number of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics

  • Address homelessness

  • Provide affordable housing options

  • Maintain neighborhood police patrols

Q: What are some of the needs the City has identified?

A: Our community’s safety and quality of life will always be our top priorities, and we are fortunate enough to offer strong public safety services. However, the City needs to protect and maintain our public safety services, including maintaining 9-1-1 emergency response times, keeping gangs and drug dealers from nearby communities out of our city, and preventing cuts to the number of police officers, firefighters, and paramedics. We also need to protect our local quality of life by addressing homelessness, providing affordable housing options, and protecting local drinking water supplies.

Q: What is Garden Grove’s fiscal situation?

A: The City of Garden Grove has a strong tradition of managing funds in a prudent, accountable, and transparent fashion. However, we’ve seen that when the state has had budget cuts in the past, Sacramento politicians take millions of local tax dollars from the City of Garden Grove to solve their own problems. As a result, Garden Grove could benefit from a guaranteed source of local funding for our city services that cannot be touched by Sacramento, making sure that our tax dollars stay in Garden Grove.

Q: What is the City doing to address these issues?

A: As we look towards our 2018-2019 mid-year budget planning, the City would like to engage the community around our vision and priorities, ensuring your needs continue to be reflected in our decision making. Please join the conversation!

Q: Join the conversation

A: Please participate by providing your feedback and comments on the priorities identified by some of your neighbors in a recent 2017 Resident Survey. Please fill out a Community Feedback Survey today!