October 12, 2023

Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls are not the only things that go bump in the night on Halloween! Fasten your seatbelts as the Garden Grove Police Department is issuing a fang-tastic reminder encouraging drivers to be extra careful as more children are out walking the neighborhood haunting for treats.

“Driving under the influence can turn a spooktacular night into a real-life nightmare,” Garden Grove Police Chief Amir El-Farra said. “If your night involves boos at a Halloween party, make sure you plan for a sober ride home. Even one drink can impair judgment.”

Because of the parties, trick-or-treating, and other festivities, Halloween night can be especially dangerous on our nation’s roads. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), adults between the ages of 21 and 34 had the highest percentage (55%) of fatalities in drunk-driving crashes on Halloween night in 2021.

Whether you are celebrating the spirit of Halloween or Día de los Muertos, the Garden Grove Police Department offers the following tips for families to be as safe as possible and share the road safely:

• Slow down and watch out for more foot traffic in residential neighborhoods.
• Take extra time looking for trick-or-treaters at intersections and entering/exiting driveways. Ghouls just want to have fun!
• Never drive distracted or impaired.
• If you are heading to a local bar, restaurant or house party and plan to drink, bring the designated sober driver with you, use public transit or a ride-hailing service, or stay the night.

Parents and trick-or-treaters
• Make sure costumes fit to prevent trips and falls.
• Decorate costumes and bags/buckets with reflective tape.
• Have kids use flashlights or glow sticks to make it easier for drivers to see them.
• Walk on sidewalks, when available. Avoid darting into the street or crossing between parked cars.
• Stick to familiar, well-lit routes.
• Look both ways before crossing the street. Make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them.

In an effort to keep our roads safe for trick-or-treaters and others having a boo-tiful night, the Garden Grove Police Department will have additional officers on patrol looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.