July 31, 2023

The City of Garden Grove is seeking statements of qualification from development teams to begin the procurement process for the Garden Grove Civic Center Revitalization project. Through the Request for Qualification (RFQ), a development team will be selected to design, build, and finance the project which includes a new Garden Grove Police Department public safety facility, parking structure, and park area and amenities. The deadline to apply is Monday, August 28, 2023.

“The Garden Grove Civic Center Revitalization project is a much-needed reinvigoration to the heart of our city, designed to meet not only the operational needs of the Garden Grove Police Department, but the quality-of-life needs of our community with reimagined green spaces,” said Garden Grove Mayor Steve Jones.

Over the last year, the City has hosted community workshops, provided surveys, and participated in local events for public input on the Garden Grove Civic Center Revitalization project. Community feedback included: active uses for all age groups, interest in removing the duck pond, more recreational space and park amenities, safe parking for vehicles and bikes, and more.

“With the increase of sworn officers and civilian staff, the Garden Grove Police Department has outgrown its current facility. A modern police headquarters will consolidate staff to better serve the needs of the community more effectively and efficiently,” said Garden Grove Police Chief Amir El-Farra.

Improvements to the Garden Grove Police Department public safety facilities will be based in part on available Measure O funding.
In 2018, Garden Grove residents passed Measure O, a one-cent transaction and use (sales) tax to support police recruitment, maintain 9-1-1 response times, and to evaluate the need to modernize or replace existing Garden Grove Police Department public safety facilities.

For more information about the Garden Grove Civic Center Revitalization project, visit www.ggcity.org/civic-center. To apply for the RFQ, visit https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/15118/bo/bo-search.