List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 2279 | December 12 | Re: OPEN RECORDS REQUEST Date and Time of Incident: 7:15 am on December 21, 2015
To Whom It May Concern: Please allow this correspondence to serve as a public informa... |
Closed | 2278 | December 08 | Hello, on 12/5/16, there was an accident involving a pedestrian on Euclid and Chapman at around 6:15am, one of my family member is involve in that accident, i would like to request a police report on that for insurance purpose. |
Closed | 2277 | December 08 | Building Permit Records (Original Construction, sewer connection, demo, certificate of occupancies) and Fire Department Records (Hazardous Materials, Underground Storage Tanks, inspection records, violations)
Closed | 2276 | December 08 | traffic light/camera maintenance record on Brookhurst and Orangewood. (northbound) 6/13/16 1:08am |
Closed | 2275 | December 07 | Any and all documents related to a structure fire at 3402 E. Copper Kettle St., Orange, CA 92867 on February 14, 2014 with report incident number O1401534, investigated by Scott Coleman. This request includes, but is not limited to reports, photographs (preferred in native format e.g. jpegs, ti... |
Closed | 2274 | December 07 | Hi, I would like to get the total number of officers and public safety officers in Garden Grove in the years 2014, 2015, and 2016. Also, would it be possible to get the total number of residents in Garden Grove during 2014, 2015, and 2016? Thank you! |
Closed | 2273 | December 07 | Requesting an electronic list of all New Business for the month of November, 2016. File needs to be in CSV (comma delimited) or Excel format. PDF format is also acceptable. |
Closed | 2271 | December 07 | Requesting the Nov 'new business' email in EXCEL format |
Closed | 2270 | December 02 | On 12-1-16 my brother, Larry Garcia was in a scooter vs car/van accident on or about , 2:30 pm on Chapman Ave. and Ellen Ave. or Faye Ave. He was taken to UCI Medical center with numerous injuries. No police report was taken but one of the nurses from Brookdale Senior Living, where he lives, sto... |
Closed | 2269 | December 02 | solid waste ordinance or exclusive contract with a hauler via email. |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due