List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 2384 | February 02 | Copies of the Garden Grove Fire Department's Incident Report and Investigation Report for the fire that occurred on January 21, 2017, at the property located at 12092 Bayport Street in Garden Grove. |
Closed | 2383 | February 02 | Copies of any open code violations for the properties located at 13631 Fernwood Drive, 13632 Fernwood Drive, and 13662 Fernwood Drive, in Garden Grove, 92843. |
Closed | 2382 | February 02 | RE: 12021 Harbor Blvd.
Closed | 2381 | February 02 | The 460 filings for Clay Bock and Demien Garcia-Monroy for 10/23/2016-12/31/2016 that was due on 1/31/17. Thank you. |
Closed | 2380 | February 01 | Hello, We are looking to obtain a new business list in your city for the month of January, 2017. If a list is available, please include the owner name and phone number. Please feel free to respond via e-mail if a fee is required. Thank you. |
Closed | 2379 | February 01 | Hello, I would like to submit a request for Street Maintenance Records for the past 180 days pertaining to the section of Chapman Avenue between Western Avenue and Santa Rosalia Street. My goal is to find information about any calls and claims made about a pothole on that section of Chapman Aven... |
Closed | 2378 | February 01 | Hello, I was hoping to request the copies of issued building permits by month from January 2017. |
Closed | 2377 | February 01 | We have been hired to perform an Environmental and Engineering Assessment of the above referenced property. In accordance with lender requirements, we are required to contact local agencies and ask the following: 1. Are there any open code violations for the property (building code violations... |
Closed | 2376 | February 01 | Requesting the Jan 'new business listing' in EXCEL format |
Closed | 2374 | January 30 | Dear Ms. Segawa, Under the California Public Records Act Section 6250 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain evaluation materials (including any scoring matrices, if possible) and a copy of the winning proposal for the "Acquisition of an Enterprise Resource Planning Softw... |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due