List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 3017 | August 29 | Requesting all notes, including medical, location , final outcome of Pirate, Pet ID 3486383, held at Orange County Humane Society. |
Closed | 3016 | August 29 | Requesting all notes, current location, final outcome on dog - Pirate #34863983 held at Orange County Humane Society |
Closed | 3015 | August 29 | Requesting all notes, location held and final outcome of Lily, held at Orange County Humane Society Pet ID: 34444369 |
Closed | 3014 | August 29 | Requesting final outcome for dog held at Orange County Humane Society A36150509 (Daisy) |
Closed | 3013 | August 28 | Any and all open building and zoning code violations for the property located at 6151 Cerulean Avenue, Garden Grove 92845. |
Closed | 3011 | August 28 | Requesting final outcome of G000699, Senior/adult female tan chihuahua posted on Garden Grove Found Animal Listings on 6/24/2017 |
Closed | 3010 | August 25 | RE: Citation #: GGE00032649 Dear Denise, Can you please provide me with the issuing officer’s reverse side of the citation, logs, hand written notes and/or typed written reports relating to the above captioned citation? Also please provide copies of any and all information regarding the ... |
Closed | 3009 | August 25 | Request information on any Garden Grove dog brought in over the counter to Orange County Humane Society on 8/7/2017, to include final outcome |
Closed | 3008 | August 25 | Requesting all notes and final outcome on female gray /brown terrier mix
Closed | 3007 | August 25 | Requesting all notes and final outcome on male gray and white pitbull
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due