List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 3017 August 29

Requesting all notes, including medical, location , final outcome of Pirate, Pet ID 3486383, held at Orange County Humane Society.

Closed 3016 August 29

Requesting all notes, current location, final outcome on dog - Pirate #34863983 held at Orange County Humane Society

Closed 3015 August 29

Requesting all notes, location held and final outcome of Lily, held at Orange County Humane Society Pet ID: 34444369

Closed 3014 August 29

Requesting final outcome for dog held at Orange County Humane Society A36150509 (Daisy)

Closed 3013 August 28

Any and all open building and zoning code violations for the property located at 6151 Cerulean Avenue, Garden Grove 92845.

Closed 3011 August 28

Requesting final outcome of G000699, Senior/adult female tan chihuahua posted on Garden Grove Found Animal Listings on 6/24/2017

Closed 3010 August 25

RE: Citation #: GGE00032649

Dear Denise,

Can you please provide me with the issuing officer’s reverse side of the citation, logs, hand written notes and/or typed written reports relating to the above captioned citation?

Also please provide copies of any and all information regarding the ...

Closed 3009 August 25

Request information on any Garden Grove dog brought in over the counter to Orange County Humane Society on 8/7/2017, to include final outcome

Closed 3008 August 25

Requesting all notes and final outcome on female gray /brown terrier mix
GGAC #G000895, Posted 8/10/2017.
If animal is still in custody/care of OCHS, please include location and status.

Closed 3007 August 25

Requesting all notes and final outcome on male gray and white pitbull
GGAC #G000909, Posted 8/15/2017.
If animal is still in custody/care of OCHS, please include location and status.


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray