List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 2928 August 08

Information on any current open zoning, building, or fire code violations, copies of any variances or special/conditional use permits, certificate of occupancy, and approved.

Closed 2927 August 08

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Garden Grove for any and all purchasing records from 2017-04-17 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is ...

Closed 2926 August 08

Requesting intake and outcome information on # G000869 White/Tan Pit Bull posted on Garden Grove Found Animals Page on 8/6/2017

Closed 2925 August 07

I would like to see all documents regarding ID A34975070, cat named Jerry. I know that he was brought to the OC Humane Society on 3/29/17 and eventually euthanized on 3/31/17. I am particularly interested in any documents, medical or behavioral records, stating why he was euthanized. ...

Closed 2924 August 07

Can I please get the listing for new businesses for the month of July 2017, thank you.

Closed 2922 August 07

Copy of timing charts for the traffic signal located at the intersection of Garden Grove Blvd. and Gilbert Ave. on June 20, 2017. Would like to know if the signal was operating correctly that date or if any maintenance was being done.

Closed 2921 August 07

I would like all notes, including medical, and final outcome on the dog Pet ID: 35544449 (Ziggy) held at Orange County Humane Society

Closed 2920 August 07

New business list for June and July 2017

Closed 2919 August 07

On Orange County Humane Society Intake logs, it lists dogs being held " Pen# Warner". I want to know what this location is? Where is it located? Address?

Closed 2918 August 07

can you please send me the leads of new businesses for this past month of July, thank you.


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray