List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 6537 January 14

All building permits, inspection records, code enforcement/violations (new and old) and Certificate of Occupancy for 12721 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840. We would like to review plans from the Building Department and Planning Department.

Closed 6536 January 14

We would like to know if you have plans including site plans on file for the property located at: 12721 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840

If so, are they available for review?

Closed 6535 January 14

All new businesses filed in December of 2020

Closed 6534 January 14

Copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the following projects:

DIR Project No. 345515: Install a New Traffic Signal Trask Ave at Roxy Dr at Trask Ave and Roxy Dr. (Garden Grove project 7150)

DIR Project No. 331155: Various Arterial and Residental St Improvement (Garden Grove project 72...

Closed 6533 January 12

Site: 7611 Park Avenue
Garden Grove, CA
I hereby request copies of all building permits and certificates of occupancy for the above address.

Closed 6532 January 12

Site: 7611 Park Avenue, Garden Grove, CA

ESS requests the following information concerning the subject address which the the fire department may have on file:

1. utilization, manufacture, storage, or discharge of hazardous materials/waste.
2. previous or on-going site investigations/remedi...

Closed 6531 January 12

15672 Starboard St, garden Grove

Closed 6530 January 12

I would like to request and Public going back 3 years pertaining to any and all properties with open code violations. These include but are not limited to foreclosed properties, abandoned, overgrown, in need of landscaping, in need of repair, etc.

Closed 6529 January 11

I am the owner of the property and requesting a floor plan.

Closed 6528 January 11


I am requesting for any recent Water Flow tests and water main diagrams for a new project for an existing location at the address below:

Food to Go
9920 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92844

I would appreciate any information on the water pressure without spending for tests....


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray