List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 9575 October 02

IPEC, Inc.
Intellectual Property Enforcement Company
556 South Fair Oaks Avenue · Suite #101-305 · Pasadena, CA 91105 ·
(323) 547-6280 · email:

October 2, 2024

To whom it may concern:

My name is John Fernandez with IPEC Investigations. We are conducting ...

Closed 9574 October 01


We’re from a Civil Engineering firm. We’re working on a project located at 12821 Knott St, Garden Grove, CA 92841.
We would like to request record plans such as grading and ROW improvement plan of the project site if possible.

I’m not sure if this is the right contact for our reques...

Closed 9573 October 01

Can I get the listing of new businesses for the previous month of September in excel format, thank you.

Closed 9572 September 30

I am writing to formally request access to all pending building permit records under the California Public Records Act (CPRA), Government Code Section 6250 et seq. Specifically, I am requesting the following information for each permit:

Full address of the property
Project type
Project squar...

Closed 9571 September 30

Requesting for all plans and documents for the address: 7151 Patterson Drive, Garden Grove, CA 92841.

Closed 9570 September 30

Requesting for all plans and documents for the address: 7171 Patterson Drive, Garden Grove, CA 92841.

Closed 9569 September 30

Request Code: 13698764
Date: 09/29/24

On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bid...

Closed 9568 September 30

Building records for home with as much utilities shown as is available.
5231 Marietta Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92845

Closed 9567 September 30

Please email as PDF: New Business License Listings September 2024

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & any home based, where possible

Closed 9566 September 30

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the City’s unclaimed property or open records laws, I would like to request a list of all the uncashed (stale-dated) checks or warrants for all outstanding dollar amounts that are older than 6 months and any other checks that are considered un...


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray