List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 7540 | February 23 | All new businesses filed in January of 2022. |
Closed | 7539 | February 23 | To whom it may concern,
When was the last building ... |
Closed | 7538 | February 23 | I would like to get copies of all building permits for my residence in Garden Grove. I have not included sensitive info per instructions. |
Closed | 7536 | February 23 | In pursuit of current city RFP S-1293, issued 2/14/22, we asked the purchasing manager for the following information: 1. Who is the current contract holder?
We were instructed to submit public records requests for this inform... |
Closed | 7535 | February 23 | We need your jurisdiction's quarterly/annual Transient Occupancy Tax Revenues and rate recorded during FY 2020-2021. |
Closed | 7534 | February 22 | - OPEN CODE CASE #187560
Closed | 7530 | February 18 | Hi, Our office is performing a municipal search for the upcoming closing for the property below.
Closed | 7529 | February 18 | Looking for a copy of any and all permits for the property address of
Closed | 7528 | February 18 | I am requesting a recorded copy from the city clerks file of the Commercial Crime/Government crime policy for all GGUSD board trustees, GGUSD Superintendent and assistant Superintendent from Jan 1, 2010 to the present.
Closed | 7527 | February 18 |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due