List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 7317 November 01

I would like to request a copy of the Light Sequencing report for the intersection of Palm Street and Harbor Blvd. for the date of September 9th 2021.

Closed 7316 November 01

Permit for patio from 2005

Closed 7315 November 01

Records request for:
- The earliest minutes of your city council that are typewritten
- The earliest minutes of your city council that took place after the surrender of Germany and Japan in WWII (the dates are May 8, 1945 and August 15, 1945)
- The earliest minutes of your city counci...

Closed 7314 October 29

Copy of a certificate of general liability insurance for Nobest Inc. Please see attachment for more information.

Closed 7313 October 29

Listing of all City of Garden Grove’s employees’ first and last names, e-mail addresses, title/position, and primary office/department location. Please see attached for more information.

Closed 7312 October 28

Electric pole has electrical line hanging out and is dangerous. I believe the homeless people around the area destroyed it. Please fix this issue, thank you!

Closed 7311 October 28

13771 Dieppe St
gg ca 92843

initial bldg floor plans

Closed 7310 October 28

13771 Dieppe St
gg ca 92843

initial bldg floor plans

Closed 7308 October 27

Business Records

Closed 7307 October 26

33.786523, -117.958712
We are looking for any underground utilities at this location: Water, sewer, gas, electrical, storm drain and any other underground utilities records available


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray