List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8644 July 07

I would like to request original building permits, demo permits, permits concerning underground storage tanks, septic systems and/or clarifiers, permits concerning hazardous materials storage and/or generation for 9750 Katella Ave

Closed 8643 July 06

Looking for all historical fire inspection records, haz mat info, notices of violation, etc. for 9750 Katella Ave

Closed 8642 July 06


Please find the authorization letter for the incident being investigated by Coventbridge on behalf of Allstate Insurance. We are requesting the traffic light sequencing, programming, and maintenance record information along with any surveillance footage if available.

The requested in...

Closed 8641 July 06

Hi there,

I would like to request the original blueprint and any related documents for my property at 11811 Mac Nab St., Garden Grove, 92841.

Thank you,
We Te Kuo

Closed 8640 July 06

Looking for all building permits and hazardous material records for 9750 Katella Ave

This address is right on the border of garden grove and Anaheim. The city of Anaheim stated that this address is not within their city limits so I’m hoping these records are kept at the city of garden grove. T...

Closed 8639 July 05

can i get the listing for new businesses for the month of june in excel, thankyou.

Closed 8638 July 03

Would like to request the testing agreement for SCAN Health Plan.

Closed 8637 July 03


I am reaching out to you on behalf of Tenants Law Firm. I want to make a request for Public Records for all residential housing in the city of Garden Grove that have failed their re-inspections due to mold as well as due to bedbugs since November 1st of 2021 up until present day. I wou...

Closed 8636 July 03

certificate of occupancy for ADU located
11514 Glen Cove Dr., Garden Grove, Ca. 92843

Closed 8635 July 03

Please email as PDF: New Business License Listings June 2023

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & any home based, where possible


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    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
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