Request #1622


12771 Pala Drive
12771 and 12781 Pala Drive
Garden Grove, California 92841

Please provide us with the following information concerning the

1) Does the Building Department conduct routine inspections at the property? If yes, what is the frequency?

2) What is the date of last Building Department inspection?

3) Are there any OUTSTANDING Building code violations? If Yes, Please provide documentation describing
the violation(s)

4) Is a copy of the original C of O or original Building Permit available to be faxed or emailed to us?


Request has been satisfied.
February 24, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. McGill,

Below is the information your requested regarding the properties located at 12771 and 12781 Pala Drive in Garden Grove:

1) Does the Building Department conduct routine inspections at the property? If yes, what is the frequency?

The City of Garden Grove's Building Division has not performed "routine" inspections at these locations.

2) What is the date of last Building Department inspection?

There have been no inspections on these properties.

3) Are there any OUTSTANDING Building code violations? If Yes, Please provide documentation describing the violation(s).

There are no current (open) building code violations for these properties, therefore there are no records responsive to this request.

4) Is a copy of the original C of O or original Building Permit available to be faxed or emailed to us?

Please see attached. Certificate of Occupancy and permits are on the property located at 12781 Pala Drive.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

February 24, 2016
Assigned to Michael G Austin, Jerrold R Holstein, Jerrold R Holstein
February 23, 2016
Request received
February 23, 2016
Message from the requesting party
February 23, 2016


Closed on Feb 24