Request #8801


Please clean up the city. Every freeway underpass and major intersection is disgusting. Do the city officials never go to other cities and see that they aren't as bad as ours? why does it take weeks and months to remove trash, cover graffiti, and respond to public works issues? Public works is often seen naping under trees for hours at a time while we have so much graffiti and illegally dumped furniture. Get on calstrans to clean up on and off ramps within a week and not 2-6 months later. i've seen graffiti(that i reported) take 6-24 months to be removed. F*** Westminster PD was on the off ramp sign for 2 years


Request has been completed.
September 12, 2023
Message from Amanda M Pollock

This request is not a request for records. Please submit your citizen’s request by accessing the Citizen Request link -

For questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate department/division -

Code Enforcement -

PLEASE NOTE: Future "records" requests can be submitted by accessing the City’s website at

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

September 12, 2023
Request received
September 12, 2023


Closed on Sep 12