Request #8562


Request documents for city of garden grove banner pole at Chapman between / Coveyway and Promenade north side and south side of Chapman.
# 1 . When was the poles installed.
#2 . Who is responsible maintain the banner post.
# 3. What's was the cost for each banner post post when installed.
# 4. Who will replace the south banner post south side was removed ?


Request has been completed.
June 07, 2023
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Per the City's Engineering Division, it is unknown as to when the pole was initially installed. Public Works is responsible for maintaining the poles. The cost is not known at this time for replacing a pole and is not currently scheduled to be replaced. Please see the attached Banner Pole Condition Assessment.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

June 07, 2023
Assigned to Rosemarie Jacot
June 05, 2023
Request received
June 01, 2023
Message from the requesting party

Attached document(s)

May 31, 2023


Closed on Jun 07