Request #8047


Good Morning

We would like to request for any documents you hold relating to the below.
• City of Garden Grove ‘s assets under management (AUM)
• details of all the investment managers and funds you invest in across all asset classes as of today, 28th September 2022.
 I am looking for details including standard data such as: Management company and corresponding Investment (Fund) Name, committed values and current markets values and investment date for each fund.
 Could you please provide the information broken by asset class including hedge fund/absolute return, real estate, and private credit/debt.

As per the California Public Records Act could you please attempt to provide me with the information within 10 business days. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer, could you please contact me with information about when I might expect copies of the requested records.
If you wish to deny any or all this request, could you please cite each exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information.

Many thanks for your time and attention to this request, it is really appreciated.


Request has been completed.
October 10, 2022
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Attached is the latest investment report, as of September 30, 2020.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

October 10, 2022
Assigned to Yuan Song
September 29, 2022
Request received
September 28, 2022


Closed on Oct 10