Request #6744



City of Garden Grove
City Clerk / Building and Safety

Reference: 14152 Flower Street
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Partner Project Number: 20-313656.4

Dear Department Staff,
Partner Engineering and Science, a national Real Estate Due Diligence Firm, is preparing a Property Condition Report and an Environmental Site Assessment on the above-named development for a financial services client. In accordance with rules and regulations of conventional Freedom of Information Act provisions, we are requesting the following information to include in our report.

1. Are there any unresolved Notice of Violation or Notice to Comply against the property? (if Yes, please provide details below, or by attachment) 0 Yes 0 No

2. How frequently is the property inspected by the building department?
0 During construction activity 0 To investigate a citizen complaint
0 Annually 0 Never 0 Other (describe)

3. Date of last inspection (if applicable):

4. When was the original core/shell Certificate of Occupancy issued?

5. Is a copy of the original core/shell Certificate of Occupancy available? 0 Yes 0 No

(Please send copy if available)

6. Are there any open building department permits? 0 Yes 0 No

(If Yes, please describe below or by attachment)

We appreciate your assistance with this information. Please email this page and any additional attachments to Also, please include the responder’s name, title, and contact info.
Jennifer Sanchez
Staff Assessor – PCA
Phone: 626-993-5110 E-Mail:


Request has been completed.
April 12, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock

No current (open) building code violations were identified for the property. This information is only relevant to the file information available and is not an indication of the current condition of the property.

Inspections are performed due to citizen complaints.
There is no date of last inspection.

Please click on the link below to access certificate of occupancy document(s) responsive to your request.

All building permit records are now available online.
Please click this link and provide the street number and name:

(Note: Any available record pertaining to building permits is included with the building permit online file. If the building has a Certificate of Occupancy, it will be contained within the permit files.)

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

April 12, 2021
Assigned to David A Dent, Svetlana Moure, Pedro Roque
March 30, 2021
Request received
March 30, 2021
Message from the requesting party

Attached document(s)

March 29, 2021


Closed on Apr 12