Request #6381


This request is for the Director of Public Works, who is in charge of Animal Control.


When the City of Garden Grove set up their own Animal Control, did the City adopt the Orange County Animal Control Ordinances in their entirety or did the City of Garden Grove write their own?

If the City wrote their own, which parts of the County ordinances were not adopted?

Thank you.


Request has been completed.
November 16, 2020
Message from Amanda M Pollock

For information responsive to your request, please refer to Chapter 6.04 of the Garden Grove Municipal Code:

More information can be found on the City's Animal Care webpage:

For all other general inquiries, please contact Mark Ladney at (714) 741-5372.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

November 16, 2020
Request received
November 16, 2020
Request received
November 16, 2020


Closed on Nov 16