Request #3133
13280 Chapman Ave, Garden Grove
Terracon has been contracted to perform an environmental site assessment of the above-mentioned properties in Orange County. We would like to review environmental information (i.e. hazardous material responses/ inventory, records of soil and water contamination, LUST/UST, any permits or certificate of occupancies that may be on-file from the Building or Planning Divisions, etc.) that your office may have on file for the property.
Electronic responses are preferable. If electronic responses are not possible and the files are relatively small, please copy and Terracon will pay for copying costs. If there is too much information to copy/send, please call me to schedule a time that I may review this information. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dear Ms. Sommer,
Please click on the link below to access records responsive to your request regarding the property located at 13280 Chapman Avenue in Garden Grove.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove