Request #2330
Ms. Bailor:
I’ve attached a request for information for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Thank you
Dear Mr. Council,
The list you have requested will be sent to you as soon as it has been completed. As mentioned in my previous response, to provide that information staff will have to retrieve each account/check individually. This process could take some time. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions regarding this request.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
From: "dcouncil"
To: "denisek"
Cc: "njacobs"
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 7:01:26 AM
Subject: RE: Request #2330: Message from DENISE KEHN
Good Morning:
Thank you for your reply. There are 87 (6 of the entries actually have names) entries that have date, check # and amount with no name. The ranges from year 2005 through 2011. Would it be easier if I resend just that information? Thanks again for your help.
Dear Mr. Council,
Finance staff can retrieve names individually as long as they are not to old. Please provide the check number(s) for the checks that you are interested in receiving additional information for.
Below are the addresses requested.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
From: "Darren Council"
To: "denisek"
Cc: "njacobs"
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 5:43:17 AM
Subject: RE: Request #2330: Message from DENISE KEHN
Good Morning:
Thank you for the list provided. I am aware that you provided me a list in the form that you have it. However, is it possible to get Last Known Address' for NGUYEN, BOYCE JR and PHAM,KHANG.
Also, there is no way that we can get payee names for the ones that aren't currently in there? Thanks again for all your help.
Dear Mr. Council,
Please click on the link below to access the list of all uncashed checks/warrants that remain outstanding for 6 months or more in the amounts of $1,000 or more. Please note the list has been provided to you in the format that the City maintains their files.
PLEASE NOTE: Future requests can be submitted by accessing the City's website at
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
Re: Request for Public Records – Notice of Extension
City of Garden Grove
Dear Mr. Council:
The City of Garden Grove has received your records request dated January 9, 2017, requesting a list of all uncashed checks/warrants that remain outstanding for 6 months or more in the amounts of $1,000 or more. This letter shall serve as notification of the City’s intent to comply with your request for public records, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (the “Act”) (Government Code §6250 et seq.).
The City is in the process of evaluating this request and is compiling records in an effort to make a determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City of Garden Grove. However, notice is hereby given that the time limit to make this initial determination under the code shall be extended by fourteen (14) days to February 2, 2017, pursuant to Government Code §6253, for the following reason:
(a) The extension of time is reasonable and necessary for the proper processing of the request.
As noted above, the City’s written determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records in the possession of the agency shall be sent to you on or about February 2, 2017. Pursuant to the Act, thereafter any and all disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records that are deemed responsive to your request will be made promptly available to you.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of this request, please feel free to contact me.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove
Due date extended to: Thursday, February 02, 2017
Attachment for Request # 2330.
Dear Mr. Council,
Please click on the link below to access a list of outstanding checks for the City of Garden Grove in the amount of $1,000 or over for the years 2015-2017.
Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove