Request #2154


Re: City Rates

Good Morning,

I am hoping you are able to assist me. I was on the City web site trying to obtain a copy of the City Contract with Republic but I am unable to find it on the site. Could you let me know where I am able to get a copy? I also looking for the current Trash rates. Thank you in advance for your time as I know its valuable.

Thank you.


Request has been satisfied.
October 04, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Ms. Carredano,

Please click on the link below to access the information regarding the agreement between the City of Garden Grove and Garden Grove Disposal aka Republic Services, including a copy of the current trash rates.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

October 04, 2016
Assigned to Denise Kehn
October 04, 2016
Request received
October 04, 2016


Closed on Oct 04