Request #1745


For property located at 7180 Lampson Avenue (APN 21501124):

1. Copies of certificates of occupancy
2. Any open building and/or fire code violations
3. Records of any planned condemnations, easements or right of way expansions that would impact this property


Request has been satisfied.
April 26, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Markus,

Below is the information you requested for the property located at 7180 Lampson Avenue:

1. Copies of certificates of occupancy - Attached

2. Any open building and/or fire code violations - There are no open building code violations for this property. See attached for the response from the Fire Department regarding fire code violations.

3. Records of any planned condemnations, easements or right of way expansions that would impact this property - There are no immediate scheduled condemnations, easements or right of way expansions that would impact this property.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

April 26, 2016
Assigned to Michael G Austin
April 18, 2016
Assigned to Jerrold R Holstein, Jerrold R Holstein, Lisa S Guardi, Thanh Q Nguyen, Carlos Marquez
April 18, 2016
Request received
April 18, 2016


Closed on Apr 26