Request #9462


I am requesting the following policies and data of the police department:

1. Most updated police discipline policy, as well as all prior versions of the policy.
2. Most updated policy on the use of non disciplinary actions to correct performance (such as retraining, counseling, division discipline, oral reprimand), as well as all prior versions of the policy.
3. Criteria for officers receiving retraining, counseling, division discipline, oral reprimand instead of official discipline. Types of misconduct eligible for these non formal disciplinary options, and blank form used to document their occurrences such as performance log.
4. Aggregate data on instances when disciplinary action was imposed within the last 10 years, including the type of misconduct, type of discipline, date of violation, and date discipline was imposed.
5. Aggregate data on sustained misconduct where there was no official discipline imposed from July 2014 to July 2024, this includes the decision not to discipline, as well as non disciplinary corrective action including retraining, counseling, oral reprimand, etc. Information sought includes type of misconduct, type of non disciplinary action, if any, date of violation.
6. Guiding policy on how to treat second and subsequent violations and the reckoning periods for categorizing an offense as a second offense.
7. Master agreement between city and police association.
8. Police association agreements from 2000 to present.


Request has been completed.
August 15, 2024
Message from Diana Serrato

1. Most updated police discipline policy, as well as all prior versions of the policy.
- The Garden Grove Police Department has all of our Policies online for Public View. Please refer to the Disciplinary Process listed under Policy 1011.

2. Most updated policy on the use of non disciplinary actions to correct performance (such as retraining, counseling, division discipline, oral reprimand), as well as all prior versions of the policy.
- Please refer to the Personnel Complaints Policy under Policy 1010.

3. Criteria for officers receiving retraining, counseling, division discipline, oral reprimand instead of official discipline. Types of misconduct eligible for these non formal disciplinary options, and blank form used to document their occurrences such as performance log.
- Please refer to the Disciplinary Process listed under Policy 1011.

4. Aggregate data on instances when disciplinary action was imposed within the last 10 years, including the type of misconduct, type of discipline, date of violation, and date discipline was imposed.
- Please refer to the City of Garden Grove website to see the statistics on Police Complaints (

5. Aggregate data on sustained misconduct where there was no official discipline imposed from July 2014 to July 2024, this includes the decision not to discipline, as well as non disciplinary corrective action including retraining, counseling, oral reprimand, etc. Information sought includes type of misconduct, type of non disciplinary action, if any, date of violation.
- Please refer to the City of Garden Grove website to see the statistics on Police Complaints (

6. Guiding policy on how to treat second and subsequent violations and the reckoning periods for categorizing an offense as a second offense.
- Please refer to the Disciplinary Process listed under Policy 1011.

7. Master agreement between city and police association.
- Please refer to the City of Garden Grove website to see the Memoranda of Understanding between the City and the Police Association

8. Police association agreements from 2000 to present.
- The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records.

Thank you,
City Clerk's Office
City of Garden Grove

August 15, 2024
Assigned to Vincente J Vaicaro
August 08, 2024
Assigned to Maria C Mcfarlane, Jennifer V Rombough, Patricia C Flinn, Jacinta F Chowdhury
August 08, 2024
Request received
August 08, 2024


Closed on Aug 15