Request #9318


Request Code: 13409596
Date: 05/25/24

On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to or Fax to 302-450-1925.

Solicitation Name: Roofing Repairs At Chapman Branch Library
Solicitation Number: solicitation number S-1330,
Bid Date: 05/24/24

This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.


Request has been completed.
May 29
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

May 29
Assigned to Sandra E Segawa
May 28
Request received
May 28


Closed on May 29