Request #9203


Kier Associates has a long and highly successful history of providing environmental science support services to state and federal agencies, Native Tribes, environmental nonprofit organizations, and private wildland managers.

In 2012-13, Kier Associates conducted cost surveys of randomly selected California cities to produce the report, Waste in Our Water: The Annual Cost to California Communities of Reducing Litter That Pollutes Our Waterways, to provide the public with an understanding of the costs of litter abatement to taxpayer funded jurisdictions in California.

Now, the California Office of the Attorney General has asked our team to update this research for the purpose of producing a new report with current cost information. That request is the reason that we are asking for your cooperation in providing us with the cost information requested in the attached survey. We will use the information your jurisdiction provides to produce an updated Annual Cost to California Communities report. For your information, we attach the original 2013 report here, so you can further understand the purpose of our inquiry.

It’s our hope that the numbers can be simply lifted directly from your line-item budget, inserted in the appropriate spaces in the attached survey, and returned to us. However, should this prove not possible, we do appreciate your assistance in interpreting that budget and providing the data requested.

Please provide the requested information no later than Monday, April 15.

If you have questions or would prefer to complete this survey by telephone, please contact Barbara Stickel at 805-801-2663, or


Request has been completed.
April 15
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

April 15
Assigned to Patricia Song
April 03
Request received
April 03
Message from Barbara Stickel

I wasn't able to add more than one attachment to the request, so I've attached our prior report here for your information.

April 03
Message from the requesting party

Attached document(s)

April 03


Closed on Apr 15