Request #9045
I am writing to request information regarding all business licenses filed within the last 12 months in San Bernadino.
To assist in creating a comprehensive list, I kindly request the following information for each new license.
1. Business Name
2. Business Adress
3. Contact Name
4. Contact Information
5. Date of Registration
6. Email Address
Please provide this data in a digital format, such as a spreadsheet or CSV file. If there are any associated fees or forms required for this request, please let me know, and I will promptly fulfill the request.
Request has been completed.
January 23, 2024
Message from Amanda M Pollock
January 23, 2024
Request received
January 23, 2024
Closed on Jan 23
The City of Garden Grove does not handle records for San Bernadino, therefore we do not have any records pertaining to your request.
PLEASE NOTE: Future records requests can be submitted by accessing the City’s website at
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove