Request #9004


Request Code: 13041626
Date: 12/20/23

On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to or Fax to 302-450-1925.

Solicitation Name: Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan Phase I Sewer Main Replacement No.4
Solicitation Number: solicitation number CP1329000,
Bid Date: 12/19/23

This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.


Request has been completed.
January 11
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Please see the bid tabulation attached.
Contract hasn't been awarded yet. Expected award date is Jan 23, 2024.
Plan holder list is not available at this time.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

January 11
Assigned to Liyan Jin
January 02
Request received
January 02


Closed on Jan 11