Request #8827



I am writing on behalf of the Peace and Justice Law Center (“PJLC”) to request records relevant to the Tri-Agency Resource/Gang Enforcement Team (“TARGET”) Unit that were created in the last ten years. In addition, we request all TARGET annual reports going back to the creation of the TARGET unit.

The records we are requesting, defined to the best of our abilities:

-TARGET annual reports

- Any and all written policies, memoranda, trainings, or guidance documents regarding TARGET

- All email communications between agencies regarding TARGET

- All documents shared between TARGET team members regarding TARGET

- Meeting agendas and sign-in (or attendance) sheets for meetings where TARGET business took place

We prefer electronic copies. When possible, please provide electronic copies in their native format (i.e., .xls or .ppt format) with original metadata. If you anticipate the costs will exceed $100, and/or that the time needed to copy the records will delay their release, please contact us so that we can arrange to inspect the documents in person.

Thank you in advance.


Brittany Emsais


Duplicate request. Request has been closed as it is a duplicate of request #8803
September 26, 2023
Request received
September 19, 2023


Closed on Sep 26