Request #8699


July 24, 2023

To whom it may concern:

I am submitting this California Public Records Act Request (“PRA Request”) for electronic
copies of documents in the possession of the City of Garden Grove.

Requested Documents:
Please provide the following documents for the 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 fiscal years, for the Buena Clinton Youth and Family Center.

Itemized budget including, but not limited to, the following items:
Total allocated budget for each fiscal year
Total expenditure for each fiscal year
Building insurance
Rent, if applicable
Utilities, if applicable
Staff salaries and benefits
Separate staff based on title and include title/responsibilities
Include number of staff per title
Any materials used for recreational activities
Include all materials as separate items and note item name, brand, and quantity
Include money paid to instructors as separate item, and include number of instructors per title
Free transportation services offered to and from the centers
Include cost of vehicle maintenance, vehicle purchase (even if not purchased during the above fiscal years), gas costs, and other associated costs as separate items
Include money paid to drivers as separate item
In-person dining
Include snacks and catered food
Separate each instance of dining and include the restaurant/store name
Office supplies and include item name, brand, and quantity
Any other costs associated with center operations not included here

Exemptions and Privileges:
If any of the requested documents are exempt from disclosure, I request that the exempt portions be redacted and the rest be disclosed. If any records in their entirety are subject to certain privileges or exemptions, please provide written notice that describes the records being withheld and the exemptions they are subject to under the Public Records Act. Additionally, if any of the aforementioned requests do not describe any identifiable public records in the City of Garden Grove's possession, please contact me at to elicit more information that will clarify my request and more clearly identify the records I am seeking.

No part of the information obtained will be sold or distributed for profit. If you are unable to
waive the copying fees, please inform me of any potential duplication costs before incurring such costs.

I look forward to working with you to obtain the public records listed in this request and to your
prompt response to this request within ten (10) days of receiving this letter. Please contact me, Lucía Yletzara González at with your response. Please send all records as they become available, rather than waiting to send them together. Thank you in advance for providing the requested documents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lucía Yletzara González


These records are available by request from the City Clerk's Office.


Closed on Aug 18