Request #8426


Good Morning. I need the true name of the Dentist and the business doing business at a place called Garden Family Dental, at 9800 Garden Grove Bl. I met a DR. Haung at the front desk of the business and she said she introduced herself as the new owner. Is she the owner of record?


Request has been completed.
April 10, 2023
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Business Name: Garden Family Dental Office of Dr. Hong
Owner/Corp: Y.J. Hong DDS, Inc.

More information on the human(s) involved with the corporation, visit CA Secretary of State at

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

April 10, 2023
Assigned to Corinne L Hoffman
April 03, 2023
Request received
March 29, 2023


Closed on Apr 10