Request #8393


To whom it may concern,

GovInvest, Inc. has been retained by Burbank, CA to conduct a compensation study for certain position classifications, of which they named your organization as a comparator.

We greatly appreciate your help in gathering certain benefit information on similar positions at your organization as a comparison.

The positions we are researching are:

Accounting Mgr
Info Systems Mgr
Police Lieutenant
Police Offcr
Police Sergeant
Purchasing Agent
Sewer Pump Station Elec
Sr Admin Analyst
Sr Civil Engineer
Sr Info Tchnlgy Analyst
Sr Planner
Supervising Bldg Inspctr

Requested Information:

• List of employee benefits that apply to these positions, along with employer costs
• Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for applicable union groups
• Any subsequent amendments, COLAs, or other adjustments to the MOUs

We will be more than happy to share the final survey results with you once we complete our analysis. We have attached a template that you can used to complete this information. However, we want to minimize the amount of time it takes to respond to this request, so feel free to send us other documents that may contain the requested information. In order for us to complete our project for the client, we respectfully request to receive this information by 3/17/23

Warmest regards,
Nate Galindo


These records are available by request from the City Clerk's Office.


Closed on Mar 20