Request #8114


To whom it may concern:

I am writing to you because my law firm is attempting to obtain a copy of any licensing, permit (or any documentation on file), for Fusion Seafood Grill, 8516 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA, as of November 06, 2021. Specifically, my office seeks to ascertain the identity of the lawful licensee/s at the business address referenced on the “As of Date” above referenced. If the business is being operated by a corporation, or LLC, my office also requests the identity of the officers or managing members of the company holding the license on the "As of Date".

By copy of this letter may I ask that the appropriate municipal office please provide such information to our firm or please let my office know what procedures we should follow in order to obtain such information.

Please do not hesitate to let me know should you or your staff have any questions concerning this public record request. Thank you very much.


Thomas P. Riley


Request has been completed.
October 31, 2022
Message from Amanda M Pollock

There is not an active valid Business License Tax Certificate for Fusion.

Attached is a copy of the most recent Business License Tax Certificate for Fusion.
The expiration date on the certificate is 9/30/2022, therefore such information displayed encompasses the 'as of date' reference in the request of 11/6/21.

The name(s) of officers of the LLC can be retrieved from the CA's Secretary of State's website at

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

October 31, 2022
Assigned to Corinne L Hoffman
October 20, 2022
Request received
October 20, 2022


Closed on Oct 31