Request #8101


request city building and code enforcement codes pertaining to chain link fence, block walls, wood fences private property joining city property.

request city building code and code enforcement policies and where is a dedicated alley with a block wall joins a city park city who is responsibility to repair at Sheeley park.
exterior wall with stucco facing long the medal of honor bike trail broken section what is what is the building code and code enforcement.


Request has been completed.
October 28, 2022
Message from Amanda M Pollock

Per the City's Code Enforcement division, when fences/walls are adjacent to City property or private property a determination must first be made as to the ownership of such fences or walls. In the case of the Medal of Honor trail between Nutwood-Lampson further research is currently being done to determine the ownership of the fencing along the south side of the trail, directly north of private property. Once that research (which involves the Orange County Transportation Authority) has been completed, additional measures will be taken to repair, replace or remove the fencing due to its current deteriorated state.

All documents for this request were provided on Request #8031:

For any further questions, please contact Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Rita Cramer, at (714) 741-5355

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

October 28, 2022
Request received
October 18, 2022


Closed on Oct 28