Request #8084


Dear Teresa Pomeroy,

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (CPRA)1, we submit the following request for all public records related to the potential insurance implications Garden Grove could experience as a result of reducing police funding and/or implementing alternatives to the police.

To the extent that you are aware of records that may be directly related or relevant to this request, but which we do not specifically describe, we ask that you provide these records in addition to the records specifically requested below.

We request the following:

A list of any and all entities involved in your city’s risk pool management. This includes private insurance services and consultants.

Any and all transcriptions, videos, audio recordings, or minutes from public meetings or hearings, where the following topics were discussed:

Reducing police department funding

Implementing alternatives to police (including but not limited to “CAHOOTS-style” or BeWell OC mobile intervention units or non-police responders to mental-health crises or traffic stops)

How reducing police department funding and/or implementing alternatives to the police could impact your city's insurance coverage or exposure to liability

How implementing a mobile crisis intervention team might impact the rights granted your city under The Emergency Medical Services Act Section 1797.201

Any correspondence, reports, recommendations, or analysis shared between city officials or city employees and insurers (risk management companies, risk pools, private insurers, or city risk management employees) that concern policing.

Any and all presentations given to any city employees or residents by city officials or insurers (risk management companies, risk pools, private insurers, or city risk management employees) on how pressure to reduce police funding, actually reducing police funding, or implementing alternatives to the police has or could impact your city’s potential liability or access to insurance coverage.

Any and all documentation of proposed or actual changes in coverage or in the price of coverage resulting from reducing police department funding and/or implementing alternatives to the police in your city.

This might include, but is not limited to, copies of annual budgets or fiscal reports, financial forecasts, and invoices from insurers that discuss how reducing police department funding or implementing alternatives to policing has or could impact your insurance in any way.

To the extent possible, please note which records relate to which requests according to the numbered sections above.

This public records request applies to all documents in your agency’s possession, including emails, video, audiotapes, and other electronic records.2 It also includes documents that were created by a member of another government agency or a member of the public.3 If specific portions of any documents are exempt from disclosure, please provide the non-exempt portions.4

If possible, please provide the information in an electronic format to:

If it is not possible to send in electronic form, please mail the records to:

UCLA School of Law

ATTN: Alicia Virani

405 Hilgard Avenue

Los Angeles, CA, 90095

I am a researcher working for the University of California Los Angeles, a public research university. I will not directly profit from, nor charge for, any of this research. As such I am requesting you waive any costs attendant to this request as provided for by § 6253(e). (See North County Parents Organization v. Dept. of Education, (1994) 23 Cal.App.4th 144, 148)) If you are unwilling to waive these costs, please notify me before any copying begins with an itemized breakdown of costs.

Please acknowledge receipt of this request and respond within ten (10) days, either by providing all the requested records or by providing a written response setting forth the legal authority for withholding or redacting any document and stating when the documents will be made available.5

Please note that the Public Records Act allows a member of the public to request records by describing their content, rather than asking for specific documents by name; an agency that receives such a request must “search for records based on criteria set forth in the search request.”6 Please provide entire documents, even if only parts of them are responsive to this request. If I have misdescribed any public record or you desire clarification on any of my requests, please feel free to contact me.

If I can provide any clarification that will help identify responsive documents or focus this request,7 please contact me by email at

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


Fanna Gamal, Alicia Virani, Noah Zatz, and Cody Laux


These records are available by request from the City Clerk's Office.


Closed on Oct 28