Request #7940


Hi Guys. Requesting a list of red-tagged and yellow tagged residential properties (with code violations/ deemed substandard or uninhabitable) in your city. Period of time covered is the last three years.

(Part of an affordable housing initiative)

Also left Voicemail.

Thank you!

Cina Poursheikhani
Lightner Group


Request has been completed.
August 09, 2022
Message from Amanda M Pollock

All Code Enforcement violations within the City of Garden Grove can be found by following the link provided:

You can then click on the Code Enforcement Violations toggle, and all are able to be exported into Excel. Attached to this request is the violation code sheet.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

August 09, 2022
Request received
August 08, 2022


Closed on Aug 09