Request #7707


Requesting a public record for city council meetings or any commissions meeting under either pink a pink card or any written communication agenda item open hearing such as on 05-10-2020 council meeting no letter by email was mentioned by mayor Jones Why ?.


Request has been completed.
May 12, 2022
Message from Teresa L Pomeroy

Dear Mr. Durfey: Under the Brown Act, the speaker cards that are provided to the Mayor or Chair of any legislative body are not legally required to be submitted by someone wishing to address the council or commission during open meetings. Emails or letters submitted prior to public meetings are provided to the Mayor and Council and with the name of the author noted in the minutes.

Thank you,

Teresa Pomeroy, City Clerk

May 12, 2022
Assigned to Teresa L Pomeroy, Lizabeth C Vasquez
May 11, 2022
Request received
May 11, 2022


Closed on May 12