Request #7643


For the purpose of completing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the subject property, I would like to request a file review for the properties located at 9071, 9081, and 9091 Lampson Avenue in the city of Garden Grove.

Specific items of interest include records of USTs, ASTs, septic systems, hazardous materials storage and use, hazardous waste generation and disposal, unauthorized releases from or to the subject property, regulatory actions, etc.


Request has been completed.
May 09, 2022
Message from Amanda M Pollock

The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records concerning your request.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

May 09, 2022
Message from Lia Gountouma

A thorough search of the files has been conducted and no environmental violations and or inspection report records concerning your request have been identified.

April 25, 2022
Due date extended by Amanda M Pollock

Request for Public Records – City of Garden Grove Notice of Extension

The City of Garden Grove has received your records request dated April 15, 2022, Request #7643. The City’s intent is to comply with your request for public records, pursuant to the California Public Records Act (the “Act”) (Government Code §6250 et seq.).

The City is in the process of evaluating this request and is compiling records in an effort to make a determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable public records in the possession of the City of Garden Grove. However, notice is hereby given that the time limit to make this initial determination under the code shall be extended by fourteen (14) days to May 9, 2022, pursuant to Government Code §6253, for the following reason:

(a) The extension of time is reasonable and necessary for the proper processing of the request.

As noted above, the City’s written determination as to whether the request seeks copies of disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records in the possession of the agency shall be sent to you on or about May 9, 2022. Pursuant to the Act, thereafter any and all disclosable, non-exempt and non-privileged public records that are deemed responsive to your request will be made promptly available to you.

City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

Due date extended to: Monday, May 09, 2022

April 25, 2022
Assigned to Soumelia K Gountouma, Amanda M Pollock
April 19, 2022
Request received
April 15, 2022


Closed on May 09