Request #7611
Request documentation Park Commission background qualification with City policies requirements qualification.
Seeking Documentation for any field trips placed on the agenda to address the development of the Medal of Honor Bike Pedestrian Trail Park from Nelson to Brookhurst.
Seeking any education document with staff and the park commission having work -shop training for THE PARK COMMISSION AGENDA ABOUT THE CA State law The environmental justice
element must identify:
a) Disadvantaged communities within the jurisdiction of the agency, including
both those communities identified by the California Environmental Protection
Agency (CalEPA) for the purpose of allocating cap-and-trade funding the
Cal Enviro Screen and communities with median household incomes below
80% of the statewide median.
b) Objectives and policies to reduce the health risks in disadvantaged
communities through means that include reducing pollution exposure,
improving air quality, and promoting food access, healthier homes, physical
activity, and public amenities, as defined.
c) Objectives and policies to promote civil engagement in the public
decision making process.
SB 1000 (Leyva) Page 2 of 7
d) Public amenities to include facilities such as community centers or water and
transportation infrastructure, as well as other public services such as fire
protection, public lighting, signage, and sidewalks.
2) Pursuant to amendments taken in the Committee on Governance and Finance,
adoption and updates of the environmental justice element are tied to the update
of the housing element and the area for consideration of environmental justice
elements is expanded to cover the same area as the General Plan.
Seeking documents park commission training with outdoor nature mental health therapy, Echo Therapy, Gardening, color landscaping with textures, to honor our Veterans having three flag poles at Village Green Park to the Medal of Honor Bike
Pedestrian Trail Park as well as drinking fountains, Trask cans drums, dogging bags, doggy waste ordinance, benches, shade ,parking for the Handicap along the trail studies and on any past agendas and indemnification markings along the entire trail for GGPD seeking recreation staff documentation above request.
Request documentation all email address of the Park Commission. Request all staff employment salary and the job descriptions of each staff member.
Request a history to the Medal of Honor Bike Pedestrian Trail Park Maintenace logs each month from 2021 Jan thru 2022 March 27 2022 for graffiti ,trash ,glass, dog waterflooded trees, busted fences, with staff name who reported.
Requesting documentations to development War Dog Memorial, Veterans wall of local residents names. Seeking planning Documentation Mental Health trail at Medal of Honor Bike Pedestrian Trail Park Maintenace . Seeking documents Medal of Honor Bike Pedestrian Trail Park planning for additional domestic water main from Nutwood to Brookhurst and new irrigation line from Nelson to Nutwood to upgrade the landscape demand.
Thank You
Craig A. Durfey
Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
The list of Park Commission Members can be found on the Parks, Recreation and Arts Commission webpage:
Garden Grove Municipal Code – Qualification for Members information can be found here:
Information on full-time and part-time employee salaries and benefits can be found here:
Job descriptions can be found here:
The Parks, Recreation and Facilities Master Plan:
Council Policy Manual: