Request #7610
Requesting public records for all Traffic Commission applications background bio with City of Garden Grove policy requirements to qualifications standards for active transportation training standard's with safe route to school ,street light lux visibility reports for bike safety to stripping audits and Thermoplastics stripping education vs very basic stripping paint reflectivity vs .Thermoplastics to safe lives.
Request any documentation traffic commission on going education with Active transportation about the connection to last mile from home or business. The Medal of Honor Bike & Pedestrian Trail Park as training CA State laws with Class one bike path trails having responsibly for traffic safety as in signage to separation asphalt for bikes to pedestrians walking on dispose granite .
Any documents having work shops for traffic safety to active transportation and correlation with GGUSD Board and the administration with currently safe route to school to additional schools expansion targets.
Request any documentation of traffic division auditing from Main Street to Acacia to Nelson with the traffic Commission studies and field trip on the agenda to evaluate transportation public safety.
Requesting traffic Commission documentation responsibility with current conditions traffic signs be street sweeping ,stop signs, bike lane signs to traffic signal poles of truck route signs that have become tarnished dirty or sign washed out reports to them how many are need replacement now as well as bike lane stripping that is washed out or faded out such as Lampson from Brookhurst to Gilbert and Garden Grove Blvd. Western stripping .
Here is the internet recommendation How many Lux should a bike light have?
1000+ lumens: If you're riding on rural roads at night, then you'll need a light above 1000 lumens so you can ride with confidence. The on-road bike lights will have a powerful beam showing you a long way in front of you. If you're riding off-road at night, you'll need to be as far above 1000 lumens as possible.
Request traffic engineers documents for all bike lanes lux index rating reports that the last traffic commission meeting RSP reports many bike collision at night where when at night it was to dark visibility reported seeking at those location or having no lights documentation studies lux illimitation reports ratings and the location for the routes identified in the bike master plan routes for public safety .
Request any documentation Bike lane at Lampson from Brookhurst to Gilbert and any reports audit to Dale Street and from Garden Grove Blvd on Gilbert to Chapman visibility reports the lux rating to reports having no street lights.
How many Lux should a bike light have?
1000+ lumens: If you're riding on rural roads at night, then you'll need a light above 1000 lumens so you can ride with confidence. The on-road bike lights will have a powerful beam showing you a long way in front of you. If you're riding off-road at night, you'll need to be as far above 1000 lumens as possible
. Request all traffic commission emails and request all traffic engineering staff names and pay and the number of engineers working and number of staff working as well as their salary for all staff.
Thank You
Engineering has no records responsive to this request.
Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request for Traffic Commission applications. All other documents are still being gathered for this request and will be provided once prepared.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any further records concerning your request.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove