Request #7605
I am looking for the Environmental Impact Report and/or plan or other written documentation; submission in lieu of impact report for the following:
construction of the Montesorry school at 5856 Belgrave Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92845
one of the associated permits for the construction can be found per below address below:
what was the lead agency (Garden Grove) determination of which type of environmental document was be prepared?
There are no Environmental Impact Reports, Plans and or other written documentation related to the provided address.
Request #7605 has not responded to. Please note that I am looking for the Environmental Impact Report and its associated documents per address provided. Not the Fire code violations.
No open fire code violations or hazmat records were identified for the requested property. This information is only relevant to the file information available and is not an indication of the current condition of the property.
The City does not provide records on spills, leaks and clean-up, as that information is provided through the County of Orange Health Department.
As of August 16, 2019, Orange County Fire Authority provides City fire and emergency medical services to the City of Garden Grove, therefore please contact Orange County Fire Authority for most current fire records.
Please email Svetlana Moure, Building Services Division at to access plans pertaining to this address.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
Environmental documentation for 5856 Belgrave is attached; It was a Negative Declaration and not and Environmental Impact Report that was done on the project.
Please click on the link below to access document(s) responsive to your request.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove