Request #7364


A complaint was made for unpermited structures on our property. We are hoping to find out when the complaint was made.

Our address is 9741 Russell Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92844.


Request has been completed.
November 29, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock

City of Garden Grove will not disclose code enforcement files on an open case through the public records system as they are exempt from disclosure per Govt. Code 6254(f), except for limited information, such as Notice of Violation. At this time the limited information is not available, therefore the City has no records concerning your request. Even complaining parties are not entitled to the information. The information is available through subpoena process only.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

November 29, 2021
Request received
November 29, 2021


Closed on Nov 29