Request #7351
**Please see request attachment for more details
Please provide copies of all records related to the Be Well OC Program
including but not limited to:
1. All city council or subcommittee motions, reports, agendas, minutes, funding, or budget
requests relating to the Be Well OC Program
2. All RFPs, job postings, or records relating to RFPs or job postings related to the Be Well
OC Program
3. All plans, reports, or proposals related to the Be Well OC Program
4. All training materials related to the Be Well OC Program
5. All correspondence, including but not limited to emails and other correspondence with
any representative of the Garden Grove Police Department and the Orange County
Sheriff Department related to the Be Well OC Program
6. All policies regarding the program including but not limited to request for dispatch
policies and police involvement requests
These records are available by request from the City Clerk's Office.