Request #7341
Claim Number:21123875321
First Intersecting Street: Roxey drive
Second Intersecting Street: Westminster avenue
Town:Garden Grove
Date of Loss: 08-24-2021 1:53pm
Requesting Traffic cam footage of accident that occurred on 8-24-2021 at approx. 1:53pm at the intersection of Roxey Dr and Westminster Ave
Are the cameras at that location live feed only, or do they record and the footage was deleted?
Thanks for your help,
Are the cameras at that location live feed only, or do they record and the footage was deleted?
Thanks for your help,
The City of Garden Grove staff has conducted a thorough search of their files and was unable to locate any records concerning your request.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove
There are cameras at the top of the light standards that take still photos for the city's traffic center, but they do not have the ability to record.
Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove