Request #7315


Records request for:
- The earliest minutes of your city council that are typewritten
- The earliest minutes of your city council that took place after the surrender of Germany and Japan in WWII (the dates are May 8, 1945 and August 15, 1945)
- The earliest minutes of your city council that took place on or after January 1, 2000


Request has been completed.
November 08, 2021
Message from Amanda M Pollock

The City of Garden Grove was incorporated on June 18, 1956. City Council minutes responsive to your request are attached.

Thank you,
City Clerk’s Office
City of Garden Grove

November 08, 2021
Assigned to Lizabeth C Vasquez, Teresa L Pomeroy, Amanda M Pollock
November 01, 2021
Request received
November 01, 2021


Closed on Nov 08